Spring doesn’t have to mean watery, itchy eyes, sneezing, and a blocked nose. Herbalist Toni Green shares seven tried-and-true natural remedies for allergies.
1. Honey
Raw honey that is sourced locally is a wonderful allergy fighter. One teaspoon three times a day works well. Chewing the honeycomb throughout the day is another delicious way to increase your honey intake. Bee pollen is also commonly prescribed to alleviate allergies.
2. Vitamin C
This is a natural antihistamine. Some of the best food sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits, capsicum, broccoli, strawberries, kiwifruit and pineapple. During acute flare-ups, it’s advisable to take 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C three times a day.

3. Herbs
Nettle and goldenrod are useful for relieving seasonal allergies. Goldenrod is an anti-catarrhal herb helping the body rid itself of excess mucus. Goldenrod also contains high levels of the bioflavonoid quercetin, which can help alleviate the symptoms of allergies. Nettle is also a natural antihistamine.
4. Omega-3 fatty acids
Omega-3 fatty acids are naturally anti-inflammatory. Some of the best sources are sardine, salmon and flaxseed.
5. Spices
Turmeric is an amazing spice that relieves inflammation. Cinnamon and licorice root ease the breathing difficulties often associated with allergies. Onions, garlic, chili, and ginger contain
quercetin and provide other anti-inflammatory properties. Taking 500 mg of turmeric three times daily is recommended for seasonal allergies.
6. Essential oils
Inhaling peppermint oil, or the steam from peppermint tea, helps to relax airways and makes breathing easier. Lavender and eucalyptus essential oils may help ease allergy symptoms. Dilute 1-3 drops of either lavender or peppermint essential oil in 1 tablespoon of sweet almond oil, and massage into the chest and sinus area. Another remedy is to inhale eucalyptus oil applied to a tissue or diffuse into the air.
7. Apple cider vinegar
Mix 1 teaspoonful with 1 teaspoon each of freshly squeezed lemon juice and honey. Drink the mixture three times a day.
Finally, don’t forget to drink plenty of water – staying well hydrated helps to thin mucus
secretions, making them easier to clear.
Read more at http://www.natureandhealth.com.au/news/blog-herbs-for-allergies#Rhpj1zXKdeUJwTzf.99