Category Archives: Nutrition

Herbs For Allergies and Asthma


Spring doesn’t have to mean watery, itchy eyes, sneezing, and a blocked nose. Herbalist Toni Green shares seven tried-and-true natural remedies for allergies. 1. Honey Raw honey that is sourced locally is a wonderful allergy fighter. One teaspoon three times a day works well. Chewing the honeycomb throughout the day is another delicious way to […]

Heal Leaky Gut Fast

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Bloating, indigestion, food intolerances – it seems the humble gut seems is in the spotlight at the moment, and for all the wrong reasons. Meet gut health expert, Lee Holmes. Studies are now linking an unhealthy gut to serious medical concerns such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s disease, coeliac disease, […]